PARAGRAPH The GED program is a very important program. It allows people who have dropped out of school to get a diploma. This diploma is certainly not as good pay wise as a high school diploma, but certainly a good thing to have under the current system. With my curriculum change I hope that it will make the use of the GED program as nonexistent as possible. GED programs need to be funded and kept open for everyone that needs it. It is a small vital part of the economy. Q&A What does GED stand for?? General Educational Development SOURCES Wolfe, Charles"GED program is sought to
stem dropouts" (2004)
n. pag. Online. Internet. August 10, 2004 "Report: Fewer taking GED test" & AP (2004) n.
pag. Online. Internet. July 26, 2004 Riley,
Claudette "GED can mean start of a brighter future" The
Tennessean (2003) n. pag. Online. Internet. December 15, 2003 Duncan, Chelsea "Funding losses may force
cut of GED program" Oregon
Daily Emerald (2003) n. pag. Online. Internet. December 3,
2003 |