


  • Under my plan they are not needed and are dropped, but not 100% removed.
  • Grades from the college level classes you take in high school will be a better way of saying you are a college ready student.


We need to get away from these tests because I feel they do not really do the job necessary of saying a student is college ready. If you look at the High school Student Class Schedule webpage you will see a minimum of 5 college level classes they will take in highschool. The grades a student receives from the 5 classes which are two college level writing classes and three college math classes are a much better way to say this person is college level than some SAT test. Also the other college level classes depending on the major they can take in high school will be wonderful to determine if you are college ready.

Dropping of the SAT and ACT tests will be of help to people playing high school sports because grade average of the college level courses taken will be a better to determine if you can or can not play a sport at the college level.

I will always say what you have learned in school is so much better than a test score and a students GPA from the college courses taken in high school is so much better than an SAT test score any day of the week.

The state of California has even dropped SAT scores from the college admission form for state colleges, which is a good step in the right direction.

I do not remove them 100% because we may have some immigrants that are over the age of 18 who will only need to take a GED exam and then can take an SAT Exam, get a good score and then go onto any college he or she can get excepted to.


Is the SAT'S Biased?? This person does not really know, but so many books and articles have been published on this matter over the years it's nuts. I say it is more the schools location and the quality of the teachers, which will have more effect on SAT scores than race, or sex.


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